Friday, May 15, 2009


Sorry I haven't posted, lately, its just I haven't had anything to talk about! ugh! school is boring!

Today was the Jog-a-thon, and, since i'm kind of on the student council, (I'm like the mascot. hahaha. I only help out when they need me) I got to help set everything up, and mark how many laps everyone did, and all that jazz.

But, it was like, really fun, because me and all my friends got into this huge water fight outside because it was like, a billion degrees outside, and everyone was SOAKED!!! Like, we were wearing out gym uniforms, and you could squeeze the shorts, and water would come out! Rediculous...but totally awesome.

And, it was one of the 7th graders' birthdays, so, I got a cupcake...ok, two...heeheehee. ahhh, cupcakes are my one weakness!!! hahaha. but, thats about it.

Loves you much!!
Morganito Bandito


  1. Hey!

    You're following my blog!

    Means alot.

    Love and thanks,

