Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Hello, Hello!

Heyyyyyy!!! Wud up, wud up, wud up?! hahaha =>. So, this is my first post beginning of July, and, you know, I have reasons! I haven't just been lazy! I swear!!!

Reason 1: I just finished summer school last Thursday. (I got a B- thank you very much!) I had alot of homework and junk.

Reason 2: I've been trying to work on my summer projects for English class, but-dang! They're hard! High school is dumb! hahaha, jaykay.

Reason 3: I just got back from Steubenville San Diego!!!!! I can't even BEGIN to tell you how awesome it was!!!! (and I really wanna go into that, some more, so, keep reading!)

Okay, for those of you who don't know, Steubenville San Diego is this, like, ginormous Catholic youth retreat. Its held at San Diego State University, and its like, amazing! This year, there were like, four thousand other youths from all over the country. It's a really spiritual experience, and I loved loved LOVED going!!!! And, okay, I don't really know how to describe it, cuz, it's kinda like you have to be there to understand, so I'm just guna tell you some of the best parts.

Well, first of all, the IC youth group (the youth group I'm part of) is pretty much the party youth group. I'm not even kidding. We'd all be, like, waiting in line and stuff to go into the arena (I'll tell you more about that, later) and, we'd just start playing games, like, Little Sally Walker, or cards, or something like that, we'd just pull a bunch of COMPLETE STRANGERS from different youth groups, and have them play with us! And, like, we would start a bunch of cheers in line, and stuff. Like, when we were in the gym, we got the whole crowd cheering with us! It was pretty amazing, I'm not guna lie.

And, like, my favorite part overall, was Adoration. I can't even try to describe all that happened, but, like, I'll tell you my story. Okay well, first of all, there are like, 4,000 teenagers in the arena, screaming and cheering their heads off, and then, the priest

brings out the Monstrance, right, and the entire room just goes silent. And one by one, all across the stadium, everyone just falls to their knees. It's just...insane. I'm not kidding you. And like, the priest PICKS UP the Monstrance and CARRIES IT AROUND THE ROOM for almost TWO HOURS!!!!!! It was unbelievable. And he would like, carry it over to people, so that they could touch it, right? And he carried it over to where I was sitting, and you could see that his arms were shaking, and there was sweat all over him, but he never even came close to dropping it. And that thing was HUGE!!!

The whole experience was...just...amazing. That's all I can say. And yet, that so doesn't describe it! But like I said, you kind of just have to be there.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


I gave my dog, Bailey, a bath today. And, as you can see, she was thrilled. Hahaha =D! But she's nice and clean, now, and she doens't smell like dirt and poop anymore, so it was totally worth it...even though she shook water all over me...twice.
Loves you much!
Morganito Banditio

Monday, July 6, 2009

Thank Goodness for my Night-Vision Goggles

Fourth of July is I mean, I don't get it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's the day the Declaration was signed, and the day we declared our independence, but, like, what's with the fireworks, and the BBQs, and all that jazz? Like, honestly? Where, along the way, did we decide that those are a good idea? Huh? Because, honestly, they have nothing to do with what happened on that day at all. I don't even think alot of people know what year it happened! (By the way, it was in 1776, thank you very much! That's right, I paid attention in American History.)

You know, I think people just like to eat meat and watch things explode. It's very primative, no? I just don't get it. Not the whole meat-eating thing. Hahaha I'm a carnivore! But, I just don't understand fireworks. Like, why do people like to watch things explode? Personally, I detest fireworks. They're big, and loud, and stupid. And I just don't understand why people like them so much. I mean, really? You want to spend your time watching something blow up? That's totally normal.

Loves you much!
Morganito Bandito