Monday, July 6, 2009

Thank Goodness for my Night-Vision Goggles

Fourth of July is I mean, I don't get it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's the day the Declaration was signed, and the day we declared our independence, but, like, what's with the fireworks, and the BBQs, and all that jazz? Like, honestly? Where, along the way, did we decide that those are a good idea? Huh? Because, honestly, they have nothing to do with what happened on that day at all. I don't even think alot of people know what year it happened! (By the way, it was in 1776, thank you very much! That's right, I paid attention in American History.)

You know, I think people just like to eat meat and watch things explode. It's very primative, no? I just don't get it. Not the whole meat-eating thing. Hahaha I'm a carnivore! But, I just don't understand fireworks. Like, why do people like to watch things explode? Personally, I detest fireworks. They're big, and loud, and stupid. And I just don't understand why people like them so much. I mean, really? You want to spend your time watching something blow up? That's totally normal.

Loves you much!
Morganito Bandito


  1. i like fireworks because they make great pictures... and you know how we are 'round here with pictures....

    but i don't "get" the fourth of july either... i think we should celebrate our independence every day!

  2. Find something you can stack that is between 1.5-2 inches thick. I used puzzle mats that I use to teach BJJ on. 2x4 inch lumber works great as well. fucili softair dboys
