So, guys, guess what this week is...that's right, IT'S SHARK WEEK!!!!! Shark Week is my most favorite week of the year!! I swear, I know, like, everything there is to know about sharks. It's pretty crazy. My sister calls it an obsession, I call it an extremely deep love and respect...=D
For example, do you know what the most dangerous shark in the world is? It's the Bull Shark, because it's the only shark inthe world that can swim in both salt AND fresh water. And, how many species of sharks do you know of? There are Bull Sharks, Great Whites, Lemon Sharks, Tiger Sharks, Whale Sharks, Hammerheads, Leopard Sharks, and, well a bunch of different other sharks. Do you know that divers wear chainmail when free diving with sharks because sharks can't bite through it? I know a whole bunch of other random shark facts like that, from watching TV.
...okay, so, some people don't think that sharks are very interesting, but I think it's sooo cool to find out more about them, and why they do what they do. You know, I think if more people learned about sharks that there would be al lot less shark attacks. You see, people don't know much about sharks, accept that they're big and scary. But whaat people don't realize is that when we go into the ocean, we're in they're territory, and we have to respect they're boundaries. ...I'm sorry. I'm babbling again. I just like them sooo much!!!! =D
Loves You Much!
Morganito Bandito
I am so scared of sharks!