Thursday, November 5, 2009
Hello, Goodbye
So, guess what!! I'm getting rid of this blog. I'm making room for a new one! a better one! one thats more fun!!! So, goodbye Morgantopia, that is...once I figure out how to turn this blog off. Hahaha! so, um, I'm inviting anyone who bothers to read this to check out my newww blogggggg. =D
Monday, October 26, 2009
Bored out of my skull
I'm sitting in the library at my school while I'm typing this. My car-pool has to stay after school so I'm stuck here.
...And I don't wanna do homework right now. But, whatever, I don't have very much (thanks, Mrs. Goulding!) and I can't come up with a thesis right now.
I'm looking over my shoulder every five seconds because I don't wanna get caught. I think the librarian thinks I'm crazy. Hahaha =D And, my friend Crystal (shout-out!) keeps whispering things about Facebook in my ear.
Random question: do all libraries smell like dust and sweaty teenagers, or is that just mine?
The dance team is practicing in the quad, and the music is blaring-I can hear it with the door closed!!
It's really cold in here and-stop reading over my shoulder, Crystal! It's creepy! Okay, well, the librarians stairing at me. I gotta bounce. Laters!
...And I don't wanna do homework right now. But, whatever, I don't have very much (thanks, Mrs. Goulding!) and I can't come up with a thesis right now.
I'm looking over my shoulder every five seconds because I don't wanna get caught. I think the librarian thinks I'm crazy. Hahaha =D And, my friend Crystal (shout-out!) keeps whispering things about Facebook in my ear.
Random question: do all libraries smell like dust and sweaty teenagers, or is that just mine?
The dance team is practicing in the quad, and the music is blaring-I can hear it with the door closed!!
It's really cold in here and-stop reading over my shoulder, Crystal! It's creepy! Okay, well, the librarians stairing at me. I gotta bounce. Laters!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
My Ten Rules
I'm I'm starting a project!!! This project is called My Ten Rules. So, basically, what it is, is, I'm making a new blog, called My Ten Rules. And at least once a week, I'll write out my ten rules.
Why am I doing this? Well, because, a couple of days ago, my Freshman Composition teacher (and my idol), the fabulous Mrs. Goulding, gave us this assignment: Write our the top ten rules you live by, in order of least to greatest. I really loved this assignment, and it inspired me to start this project!!
So, to start off my first post, I'm going to get, not only my top ten rules, but the top ten rules of other people, too! So, be sure to check out!
Why am I doing this? Well, because, a couple of days ago, my Freshman Composition teacher (and my idol), the fabulous Mrs. Goulding, gave us this assignment: Write our the top ten rules you live by, in order of least to greatest. I really loved this assignment, and it inspired me to start this project!!
So, to start off my first post, I'm going to get, not only my top ten rules, but the top ten rules of other people, too! So, be sure to check out!
Loves you much!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Would You Rather...?
My friends and I were playing this at school, and we came up with some good ones that we couldn't answer. So...Would You Rather:
Be stuck in traffic for the rest of your life, or be really tired and couldn't sleep for the rest of your life?
Never listen to music again, or never watch T.V. again?
Be blind or deaf?
Change bodies with a dog, or change bodies with a cat?
There were some more, but, I forgot the rest! I wanna hear your Would you rathers, and answer mine! I'll post them on my other blog, Check it out!
Be stuck in traffic for the rest of your life, or be really tired and couldn't sleep for the rest of your life?
Never listen to music again, or never watch T.V. again?
Be blind or deaf?
Change bodies with a dog, or change bodies with a cat?
There were some more, but, I forgot the rest! I wanna hear your Would you rathers, and answer mine! I'll post them on my other blog, Check it out!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Happy Birthday to Me!
So...gues what... yup! That's right!!! Today's my birthday!!!! Yay for me!! I'm FINALLY fourteen! hahaha =D
Thursday, August 27, 2009
So, today was my freshman orientation at Amat! Yaaaaayyyy!!! Hahaha =D It was a lot of fun! I saw all my old friends, and made some new ones, too! I met all my crazy new teachers, and sat in a hot, smelly classroom...gawd, isn't high school fabulous? hahaha =D I kind of miss wearing uniforms! I mean, like, I didn't wear a plaid skirt for three months! And, i think I look kind of cute in it, if i do say so myself!
See? Not bad, right? lol jaykay =>
Loves you much! Morganito Bandito
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Okkkaaayyy, so my sister, Kaitlyn just told me about this website a couple weeks ago, and, I'm kind of addicted...a little. It's called and, it's pretty much awesome. It's like paper dolls, but online! You can like, pick your model and your setting and clothes and accessories and stuff, and then you can save your looks onto your very own page, where other people can look at them. It's really cool!!! Here's one of my looks:

See? It's a really cool website! You should definetly check it out, cause, it's my new favorite thing.

See? It's a really cool website! You should definetly check it out, cause, it's my new favorite thing.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Shark Attack!!!!

So, guys, guess what this week is...that's right, IT'S SHARK WEEK!!!!! Shark Week is my most favorite week of the year!! I swear, I know, like, everything there is to know about sharks. It's pretty crazy. My sister calls it an obsession, I call it an extremely deep love and respect...=D
For example, do you know what the most dangerous shark in the world is? It's the Bull Shark, because it's the only shark inthe world that can swim in both salt AND fresh water. And, how many species of sharks do you know of? There are Bull Sharks, Great Whites, Lemon Sharks, Tiger Sharks, Whale Sharks, Hammerheads, Leopard Sharks, and, well a bunch of different other sharks. Do you know that divers wear chainmail when free diving with sharks because sharks can't bite through it? I know a whole bunch of other random shark facts like that, from watching TV.
...okay, so, some people don't think that sharks are very interesting, but I think it's sooo cool to find out more about them, and why they do what they do. You know, I think if more people learned about sharks that there would be al lot less shark attacks. You see, people don't know much about sharks, accept that they're big and scary. But whaat people don't realize is that when we go into the ocean, we're in they're territory, and we have to respect they're boundaries. ...I'm sorry. I'm babbling again. I just like them sooo much!!!! =D
Loves You Much!
Morganito Bandito
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Hello, Hello!
Heyyyyyy!!! Wud up, wud up, wud up?! hahaha =>. So, this is my first post beginning of July, and, you know, I have reasons! I haven't just been lazy! I swear!!!
Reason 1: I just finished summer school last Thursday. (I got a B- thank you very much!) I had alot of homework and junk.
Reason 2: I've been trying to work on my summer projects for English class, but-dang! They're hard! High school is dumb! hahaha, jaykay.
Reason 3: I just got back from Steubenville San Diego!!!!! I can't even BEGIN to tell you how awesome it was!!!! (and I really wanna go into that, some more, so, keep reading!)
Okay, for those of you who don't know, Steubenville San Diego is this, like, ginormous Catholic youth retreat. Its held at San Diego State University, and its like, amazing! This year, there were like, four thousand other youths from all over the country. It's a really spiritual experience, and I loved loved LOVED going!!!! And, okay, I don't really know how to describe it, cuz, it's kinda like you have to be there to understand, so I'm just guna tell you some of the best parts.
Well, first of all, the IC youth group (the youth group I'm part of) is pretty much the party youth group. I'm not even kidding. We'd all be, like, waiting in line and stuff to go into the arena (I'll tell you more about that, later) and, we'd just start playing games, like, Little Sally Walker, or cards, or something like that, we'd just pull a bunch of COMPLETE STRANGERS from different youth groups, and have them play with us! And, like, we would start a bunch of cheers in line, and stuff. Like, when we were in the gym, we got the whole crowd cheering with us! It was pretty amazing, I'm not guna lie.
And, like, my favorite part overall, was Adoration. I can't even try to describe all that happened, but, like, I'll tell you my story. Okay well, first of all, there are like, 4,000 teenagers in the arena, screaming and cheering their heads off, and then, the priest
Reason 1: I just finished summer school last Thursday. (I got a B- thank you very much!) I had alot of homework and junk.
Reason 2: I've been trying to work on my summer projects for English class, but-dang! They're hard! High school is dumb! hahaha, jaykay.
Reason 3: I just got back from Steubenville San Diego!!!!! I can't even BEGIN to tell you how awesome it was!!!! (and I really wanna go into that, some more, so, keep reading!)
Okay, for those of you who don't know, Steubenville San Diego is this, like, ginormous Catholic youth retreat. Its held at San Diego State University, and its like, amazing! This year, there were like, four thousand other youths from all over the country. It's a really spiritual experience, and I loved loved LOVED going!!!! And, okay, I don't really know how to describe it, cuz, it's kinda like you have to be there to understand, so I'm just guna tell you some of the best parts.
Well, first of all, the IC youth group (the youth group I'm part of) is pretty much the party youth group. I'm not even kidding. We'd all be, like, waiting in line and stuff to go into the arena (I'll tell you more about that, later) and, we'd just start playing games, like, Little Sally Walker, or cards, or something like that, we'd just pull a bunch of COMPLETE STRANGERS from different youth groups, and have them play with us! And, like, we would start a bunch of cheers in line, and stuff. Like, when we were in the gym, we got the whole crowd cheering with us! It was pretty amazing, I'm not guna lie.
And, like, my favorite part overall, was Adoration. I can't even try to describe all that happened, but, like, I'll tell you my story. Okay well, first of all, there are like, 4,000 teenagers in the arena, screaming and cheering their heads off, and then, the priest
brings out the Monstrance, right, and the entire room just goes silent. And one by one, all across the stadium, everyone just falls to their knees. It's just...insane. I'm not kidding you. And like, the priest PICKS UP the Monstrance and CARRIES IT AROUND THE ROOM for almost TWO HOURS!!!!!! It was unbelievable. And he would like, carry it over to people, so that they could touch it, right? And he carried it over to where I was sitting, and you could see that his arms were shaking, and there was sweat all over him, but he never even came close to dropping it. And that thing was HUGE!!!
The whole experience was...just...amazing. That's all I can say. And yet, that so doesn't describe it! But like I said, you kind of just have to be there.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
I gave my dog, Bailey, a bath today. And, as you can see, she was thrilled. Hahaha =D! But she's nice and clean, now, and she doens't smell like dirt and poop anymore, so it was totally worth it...even though she shook water all over me...twice.
Loves you much!
Morganito Banditio
Monday, July 6, 2009
Thank Goodness for my Night-Vision Goggles
Fourth of July is I mean, I don't get it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's the day the Declaration was signed, and the day we declared our independence, but, like, what's with the fireworks, and the BBQs, and all that jazz? Like, honestly? Where, along the way, did we decide that those are a good idea? Huh? Because, honestly, they have nothing to do with what happened on that day at all. I don't even think alot of people know what year it happened! (By the way, it was in 1776, thank you very much! That's right, I paid attention in American History.)
You know, I think people just like to eat meat and watch things explode. It's very primative, no? I just don't get it. Not the whole meat-eating thing. Hahaha I'm a carnivore! But, I just don't understand fireworks. Like, why do people like to watch things explode? Personally, I detest fireworks. They're big, and loud, and stupid. And I just don't understand why people like them so much. I mean, really? You want to spend your time watching something blow up? That's totally normal.
You know, I think people just like to eat meat and watch things explode. It's very primative, no? I just don't get it. Not the whole meat-eating thing. Hahaha I'm a carnivore! But, I just don't understand fireworks. Like, why do people like to watch things explode? Personally, I detest fireworks. They're big, and loud, and stupid. And I just don't understand why people like them so much. I mean, really? You want to spend your time watching something blow up? That's totally normal.
Loves you much!
Morganito Bandito
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Stupid Junk Like This Happens to Me All the Time
I. Am. Going. To. Cry. You will never, ever, ever believe what happened to me, yesterday. Given up? Well, I'm guna tell you anyway: My. Phone. Died. FOREVER!!!!! I know. Sad, right? I was texting my friend, Jasmine, when, all of a sudden, the screen went black. So, I took out the battery, and put it back in, like, five times, and it didn't work. I'm really sad, now. And, to top it all off, I'm going to summer school, now, for math. And, the teacher gives, like, twevle billion punds of homework, EVERY DAY! Even on the weekends! Maybe some of you are used to homework on the weekends, but I most certainly am not! And, whoever decided that it was a good idea to give out homework on the weekends is most definitely the dumbest person ever in the history of everything! Well, the homework-man, and the math-making-people. Darn you, Greeks! What were you thinking, making math?! Shame on you! Shame be brought upon you, for the rest of your days!!!!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Hey, everyone! Did you guys notice anything different, here? Yep! Thaaaat's right! I changed...everything! I changed what my blog looks like, I renamed it, and, I put up that title picture (btw: that's me when I was about one or two years old). I was just getting bored with how it looked before, so, I changed it. And, Morgantopia is a more appropriet name for this blog, I think. It describes me more...Also, I was just really bored. Summer vacation's started, and I'm already bored! Ugh adn, I have summer school! This is guna be a lllllooooonnnnnggggg summer!
Loves you much!
Morganito Bandito
Hey Hey Hey!
Sorry I haven't been posting in a while! I've been REALLY buisy with school and jazz. So, guess what!
This is my sister, Kaitlyn and I in LAX at four-in-the-morning, waiting for our flight to Chicago. (We couldn't get a direct flight). I'm on the left, that's my sister on the right.
All of the animals in these pictures are real! There's a safari in Animal Kingdom, and it has, like, real life animals! And we were soooo close to them! It was...amasing!
1. I graduated 8th grade last Friday!!!! Yay!!!!
2. I just got back from...are you ready for this?...DISNEY WORLD!!!! it was pretty amasing.
And, I got a camera because of 1. and, a took a bunch of pictures during 2. so, this post is going to be mostly pictures of Disney World, with my commentary on most of them. Ok, here we go!
Okay, that's about all of them! It was sooo much fun! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay!
Loves you much!
Morganito Bandito
Friday, May 29, 2009
Rewind! Back it Up!
Ok, so, in the last post, I told you that all those people were mad at me, blah blah blah. And, it turns out, that um, well, because I was sitting on the couch, yesterday, and she was just like, hey, gues what! and she told me this:
So, she was at the fiesta, walking around, and the sixth grader's mom ran up to my mom and said, "I just saw my daughter hugging some boy!!! and it wasn't like a friend hug, either!" and my mom, who I guess heard my friend talking about how the two were together, was all, "Well, I thought you knew that." and the sixth grader's mom was all "What do you know?!?!" and my mom was all, "I don't know anything!"
And, so, I guess the sixth grader twisted it around, or whatever, but, yeah. that's it.
So, she was at the fiesta, walking around, and the sixth grader's mom ran up to my mom and said, "I just saw my daughter hugging some boy!!! and it wasn't like a friend hug, either!" and my mom, who I guess heard my friend talking about how the two were together, was all, "Well, I thought you knew that." and the sixth grader's mom was all "What do you know?!?!" and my mom was all, "I don't know anything!"
And, so, I guess the sixth grader twisted it around, or whatever, but, yeah. that's it.
Loves you much!
Morganito Bandito
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
My Churro Can Eat Your Churro!
Ok, so, I tell my mom and my sister, like, everything, and, I told my sister, Kaitlyn, about my friend in seventh grade, who's dating this sixth grader, right? And, I guess she told my mom, and my mom told the sixth grader's mom, and her mom made the sixth grader brake up with my friend, and so, now, my friend and the sixth grader are both mad at me! Grrr!!! But, whatever. =D
Monday, May 25, 2009
I'm Sooooo Tired!!!!

Hey, you wanna hear my weird dream? Sorry, I know it's random, but it was a weird dream, and I like to share my weird dreams. I don't even know why, I just do! hahaha. Anyways, here it goes.
Ok, so, first off, my church's fiesta was this weekend, and, I went every day, and I've gotten like four hours of sleep total this weekend.
So, in my dream, I was at the fiesta, and I was walking around with my friends, right? And, we went to get in line for one of the rides, and all of a sudden, there was like this HUGE crown of people that came, like, out of no-where. And, there was all this yelling, and cameras flashing, and I was like, "what is going ON?" So, I got up on my friend's shoulders, so I could see over the crowd, (which, in real life, I could neither, stand on my friend's shoulders, nor see over a crowd on my friend's shoulders, but, whatever, it happened.)
And, in the midst of this huge mess of people, is the Jonas Brothers. Yes, the Jonas Brothers, in all their Jonas Brothers-y glory. And, so, I pushed everybody in front of me out of the way, and I ran up to them, and started tslking to them, and in the end, I became their best friends for life.
Random, right? I know! But, it happened. And, I would also like to point out that I was...listening to the Jonas Brothers on Pandora before I went to bed, which probably explains their appeirence in my dream. But, anyways, it was a rerally weird dream that I wanted to share. (Sorry about the picture! Joe Jonas's head got cut off!)
Ohmigosh, I cannot even begin to describe how tired I am. Like I said above, I got about four hours of sleep this entire weekend! Dying! Can't even think straight! hahaha. Ohmigosh, guess what else! I only have nine days left of school!!!! I graduate next Friday!!!!! yay!!!!
Loves you much!
Morganito Bandito
Friday, May 15, 2009
I Love it When...
I love it when he looks at me, and makes my heart flutter.
I love it when I need to cry, and my dog comforts me.
I love it when people think I'm funny.
I love it when I sit around all day, and be lazy.
I love it when I spend time with my family. (especially my sister, Kaitlyn.)
I love it when I bake something like brownies, and everyone eats them with a smile.
I love it when I get new books to read.
I love it when I read a book so much, that I can recite it without even looking.
I love it when I watch one movie for a week straight.
I love it when I spend time with my friends, laughing about nothing.
I love when inside jokes just keep getting funnier, every time you tell them.
I love getting along with everyone.
I love it when my sister and I share secrets.
I love it when I laugh.
I love it when I need to cry, and my dog comforts me.
I love it when people think I'm funny.
I love it when I sit around all day, and be lazy.
I love it when I spend time with my family. (especially my sister, Kaitlyn.)
I love it when I bake something like brownies, and everyone eats them with a smile.
I love it when I get new books to read.
I love it when I read a book so much, that I can recite it without even looking.
I love it when I watch one movie for a week straight.
I love it when I spend time with my friends, laughing about nothing.
I love when inside jokes just keep getting funnier, every time you tell them.
I love getting along with everyone.
I love it when my sister and I share secrets.
I love it when I laugh.
Sorry I haven't posted, lately, its just I haven't had anything to talk about! ugh! school is boring!
Today was the Jog-a-thon, and, since i'm kind of on the student council, (I'm like the mascot. hahaha. I only help out when they need me) I got to help set everything up, and mark how many laps everyone did, and all that jazz.
But, it was like, really fun, because me and all my friends got into this huge water fight outside because it was like, a billion degrees outside, and everyone was SOAKED!!! Like, we were wearing out gym uniforms, and you could squeeze the shorts, and water would come out! Rediculous...but totally awesome.
And, it was one of the 7th graders' birthdays, so, I got a cupcake...ok, two...heeheehee. ahhh, cupcakes are my one weakness!!! hahaha. but, thats about it.
Today was the Jog-a-thon, and, since i'm kind of on the student council, (I'm like the mascot. hahaha. I only help out when they need me) I got to help set everything up, and mark how many laps everyone did, and all that jazz.
But, it was like, really fun, because me and all my friends got into this huge water fight outside because it was like, a billion degrees outside, and everyone was SOAKED!!! Like, we were wearing out gym uniforms, and you could squeeze the shorts, and water would come out! Rediculous...but totally awesome.
And, it was one of the 7th graders' birthdays, so, I got a cupcake...ok, two...heeheehee. ahhh, cupcakes are my one weakness!!! hahaha. but, thats about it.
Loves you much!!
Morganito Bandito
Wednesday, May 13, 2009 I guess this song was considered for Bella's Lullaby in Twilight. Ok, this song, is like, really, really, beautiful, and, I like it so much more than the song that they used for Bella's Lullaby. It's waaaaay better! Ok, and can we talk about how the movie kind of was not good? Ok, like, they cut out that whole part about Carliel's past and how he made evryone.
Heeheehee! =D Today was such a good day! everything...was...perfect! Yay! hahaha lemme elaborate...
Today was the May Crowning at school, and I got to wear a pretty dress, and everyone looked pretty...hahaha. =D and, like, i dunno, everyone was just really nice and cool today. there was nooo drama. Ahhh, I love these days. =D
But, something very, very sad did happen today. My homeroom tearcher, Ms. Tracy, her father got into an accident last night, and he died this morning. She's from Hawaii, and I guess she has some aunts living out here, so they all flew out to Hawii to see the rest of her family. I guess she won't be here for the rest of the week, and maybe next Monday and Tuesday. So, just keep her and her family in your prayers, everyone.
But, like I said, everyone was really cool, today, and, you know, I think it had something to do with Ms. Tracy. But, i dunno. Whatever... hruhfhdbhdgsgujdubcurbtqoneurgwanifyerhweurteyurytpoaoifyasdhfaslhaklsjfhsahjadjfskljh
hahaha sorry, I got bored. hahaha.
Today was the May Crowning at school, and I got to wear a pretty dress, and everyone looked pretty...hahaha. =D and, like, i dunno, everyone was just really nice and cool today. there was nooo drama. Ahhh, I love these days. =D
But, something very, very sad did happen today. My homeroom tearcher, Ms. Tracy, her father got into an accident last night, and he died this morning. She's from Hawaii, and I guess she has some aunts living out here, so they all flew out to Hawii to see the rest of her family. I guess she won't be here for the rest of the week, and maybe next Monday and Tuesday. So, just keep her and her family in your prayers, everyone.
But, like I said, everyone was really cool, today, and, you know, I think it had something to do with Ms. Tracy. But, i dunno. Whatever... hruhfhdbhdgsgujdubcurbtqoneurgwanifyerhweurteyurytpoaoifyasdhfaslhaklsjfhsahjadjfskljh
hahaha sorry, I got bored. hahaha.
Loves you much!
Morganito Bandito
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
15 More Days!!!!
So, today's Tuesday, and.....ugh, Tuesdays. hahaha. There's really not that much to talk about, except that, tomorrow is the May Crowning at my school. The 8th graders crown this statue of Mary, and stuff...I get to wear a pretty dress! hahaha.
Oh, and, guess what else...ONLY 15 MORE DAYS LEFT OF SCHOOL!!!! Well, not counting weekends...but, whatever, that's beside the point. hahaha. Yay! Honestly, I kind of just want to leave already. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love my school, it's like my second home. But, you know, there's all this stupid drama going around for no reason, and, I really don't wanna deal with that anymore. It's like, "Hey! It's our last month of school, lets be stupid and get in trouble all the time!" I mean, come on. Really? It's lame, it's just lame.
But, whatever. It dosen't even matter. I'm over it. hahaha.
Loves you much!!
Morganito Bandito
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