Tuesday, May 24, 2011

M.C. Escher

My new favorite artist. You, sir, blow my mind. I wish I was this talented. The detail on his works are absolutely amazing. Stunningly beautiful.

I am offended by your offesive comment that offends me.

I'm sitting in the library right now. There's no one in here monitoring the computers like there usually is, and I don't have anything to do, so, I decided to post something.

I think I've done this once before. Posted in the school library, I mean.

I'm very bored. Lexi and Crystal are keeping me entertained, though...well, Lexi more so. Crystal's kind of annoying me right now.

Lexi, call me a Hufflepuff one more time. One more time. See what happens. How many times do I have to tell you that I'm a Ravenclaw???

Alrighty, I think I'm done.

Monday, May 23, 2011


You're not good. At all.

You're mean.
You're obnoxious.
You're annoying.
All you ever think about is yourself-you don't care for other people's feelings.
And, you have a girlfriend.

Yet I'm still attracted to you.

I can't lie, you're...well...you're really handsome. And when you smile, oh, I die a little inside.

And you can be nice. I've seen it, once or twice. But you choose not to be. You show more of your bad more than your good.

At least that's what I thought, for a while.

But then I heard what you did to him. What you said to my best friend. And I'm disgusted. I really am. I just don't understand how a person could say something like that to someone else.

Although the thought of that word leaving those perfectly shaped lips of your makes me sick, I still...feel something for you. Something that is definitely not hate.

And, no, it's not love. There's no way it could be. But it's definitely like. And I hate myself for it.

You've shown your true colors. Let me tell you, they are not pretty. But I can't let you go.

I'm afraid I don't know how.

Good friends with bad habits.


If you've got money to burn, go buy Austin Gibbs' debut album, Charlie.

It's mind-blowing. It really is.

I've been listening to it allllllllll weekend.

Alrighty, the end.