Hey, you wanna hear my weird dream? Sorry, I know it's random, but it was a weird dream, and I like to share my weird dreams. I don't even know why, I just do! hahaha. Anyways, here it goes.
Ok, so, first off, my church's fiesta was this weekend, and, I went every day, and I've gotten like four hours of sleep total this weekend.
So, in my dream, I was at the fiesta, and I was walking around with my friends, right? And, we went to get in line for one of the rides, and all of a sudden, there was like this HUGE crown of people that came, like, out of no-where. And, there was all this yelling, and cameras flashing, and I was like, "what is going ON?" So, I got up on my friend's shoulders, so I could see over the crowd, (which, in real life, I could neither, stand on my friend's shoulders, nor see over a crowd on my friend's shoulders, but, whatever, it happened.)
And, in the midst of this huge mess of people, is the Jonas Brothers. Yes, the Jonas Brothers, in all their Jonas Brothers-y glory. And, so, I pushed everybody in front of me out of the way, and I ran up to them, and started tslking to them, and in the end, I became their best friends for life.
Random, right? I know! But, it happened. And, I would also like to point out that I was...listening to the Jonas Brothers on Pandora before I went to bed, which probably explains their appeirence in my dream. But, anyways, it was a rerally weird dream that I wanted to share. (Sorry about the picture! Joe Jonas's head got cut off!)
Ohmigosh, I cannot even begin to describe how tired I am. Like I said above, I got about four hours of sleep this entire weekend! Dying! Can't even think straight! hahaha. Ohmigosh, guess what else! I only have nine days left of school!!!! I graduate next Friday!!!!! yay!!!!
Loves you much!
Morganito Bandito